Me, Book and The Universe.

So, here we are, just the three of us. I thought it would have just been two of us; me and book, but I’ve realised – there are three of us in this marriage!

My book (or ‘Book’ as I prefer to think of it – non-possession equals less attachment equals less suffering, apparently!) is out in the world. That’s it. There is no more that I can do. I’ve written it, re-written it, re-written it again, edited it and edited it again, read it and re-read it…let’s be honest, more than any of that, for the past year and a half I’ve poured my heart, soul and every wound that needed exposing and healing into this book. And it’s done. My God. Who knew I could actually finish it? Actually DO IT? I BLOODY DID IT!

Hmm…but what happens next? I’ve been quite relaxed up until now, taken it all in my stride… ‘oh yeah, I wrote a book. Oh that, yeah great, whatever’. But suddenly something else is creeping around the back door - SHIIIIT!!! What the fuck have I done? What was I actually thinking sending ninety thousand words of deep personal untethered spewing disclosure out into the big, bad world?

It’s a daunting process, putting something so personal out there. Committing my significant life events and accompanying musings to 300 odd pages of word vomit, edited into something more digestible for the reader, and then beautifully bound and imprinted with a life force that allows it the autonomy to leave home without me any longer being able to control it and shape it….SHIT…I can no longer control it!!

Hear that ego? – we can’t control it now! We – or rather you – need to get out of the way, step aside and let The Universe do its thing. The last thing we need now is you crawling all over it, oscillating between your superiority and inferiority complexes. With your visions of bestseller lists, a Ted Talk, and a movie in the can one minute, and then hoping and praying to God that no-one outside of our very good friends (who are guaranteed to say very good things about it) actually ever reads it.

So, here’s the deal…let’s not push it and let’s not block it. Let’s keep the perfect balance. A balance that is grounded in trust and equanimity. A balance that knows Book will find its way into the hands that it is meant to and stay out of the hands that its meant to. It’s divinely orchestrated…it already was even before I began connecting my heart to my pen to the paper.

Book is complete. Perfect in its imperfection, unbound in its newness. The Universe is just doing its thing beautifully as it always does…ensuring that I’m receiving amazing feedback of how it’s having a transformative impact. And me…? well, I just need to keep my ego in check and stay on track - stay on my path of balancing this equilateral triangle of Me, Book, and the Universe. It’s the perfect marriage…


Free Bleeding.


A Broken Winter