Rising Above the Conditioning

I was born into this conditioning as I came out kicking and screaming into a stark hospital room filled with metallic machinery, UV lights and digital noise. From when I was whipped away from my mother, cleaned up and put down on a cold plastic tub to be weighed, jabbed with a needle, because that’s what has to be done. From there it’s… 

Live your life like this. Do this, then do this, then do this. Whatever you do, don’t stray away from the script, from the mainstream narrative, from the manual entitled: “Instructions on how to be a Human Being.” 

Watch this, listen to this, learn this and you’ll totally believe in this. Whatever you do, don’t think for yourself and certainly don’t question the manual. If you do, you’ll be judged, ridiculed and made to feel small. It’s much harder to rise above things when you’re small, a shrunken diminished version of the self that you were born to be. But Shhhh… that last bit is a secret, best nobody really knows about the selves they were meant to be. No, best to play by the rules, do as you’re told, believe what you’re told, always believe what you’re told, even if it doesn’t make sense. I mean, why wouldn’t everything you’re told be totally true anyway??

Eat this, drink this, buy this, buy into this. Work hard, work really really hard, it will get you where we want you want to be… Oops, I mean…it will get you where you want to be. Make money, spend money. But don’t spend it there, it’s better you spend it there instead. We know what’s best. Invest money, you’ll need it for your future. Don’t worry, we’ll get to tell you how to live your future soon, it’s in the last section of the manual just before the chapter called: “How to die.”

Have this type of relationship, not those types of relationships. Even if it doesn’t feel intrinsically right to you, don’t take any notice of that. We’ll ensure from really early on that you don’t get encouraged to cultivate that part of you that intrinsically knows what it wants anyway. Again, just follow the rules, there’s lots of people to show you the way, so as you don’t get lost. Just do what they’re doing, and you’ll be fine.

But if you do happen to get lost, find yourself questioning things, well, then you can always fall back on fear to get you back on track. Don’t fear! We’ve got fear covered! We’ve made sure it’s everywhere, it lurks around every corner, hides behind every mask, and it has many guises. In fact we’ll raise you on a diet of fear until you’re clinically obese with it. By then you’ll be too programmed to realise though. 

But you might just find there comes a time when something else starts to rise up with the indigestion and acid reflux of it all. It’s a thing called sovereignty, autonomy, authenticity, congruence. It goes by many names and you’ll find once you do start belching it up, it’ll start seeping out of every pore, be rising up in every cell, until you’re more certain than you’ve ever been of anything in your life (thank you 2020) you’ll know there’s another way, you’ll know this as your truth. But the best of luck to you…cos there’s no manual for that one!


Exactly where we’re meant to be…?!


Don’t avoid the void.